Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

IISc, Bangalore, is a premier institute in India which has very strong Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science Departments doing research in the areas of architecture, systems software and software optimizations. AMD has partnered with IISc and created a HACC center in the department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA). The interactions are led by Prof. Ramaswamy Govindarajan and Prof. Chiranjib Bhattacharya (both Professors in the Department of CSA).

The HACC Cluster

Three nodes of 2Px96C Genoa with 764GB DDR5, each having four AMD Instinctâ„¢ MI210 Accelerators accelerator cards. There is one 2Px64C Milan system with 640GB RAM DDR4, having two Alveo V70 AI Accelerator cards. The cluster also comes with 50TB storage attached to a Milan server. This cluster is dedicated for research in Heterogeneous computing. The following figure gives a schematic representation of the cluster.